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The purpose of the device.

The program allows you to carry out the testing process in real time, to monitor the dynamics, to visualize the obtained results, to view the “energy” of the human body, the condition of the spinal cord and the link of its changes with the internal organs, to observe changes in the recovery process. The program will allow you to work faster and better with a client during the testing. It will allow you to establish the causes of changes in the body and to determine a correction plan; it will enable the selection and control of funds for the restoration of the body, which will make your recommendations more correct and safe for the client. The essence of an electroacupuncture testing is the measurement of electrical conductivity in biologically active points on the hands, feet and head (using contact plates on the feet, hands and head electrodes) related to various zones, organs and systems of the body. The nature of the pathological processes, their cause-effect relationships, interest of certain organs and systems, forming and maintaining the pathological process can be assessed by quantitative characteristics. At the same time the device allows you to evaluate the reaction of the body upon any kind of impact. (upon supposed and implemented impact) in real time.

The principles are embedded in the device for a segmental testing of the express-test “Bris”: .

The segmental testing is a method, which is based on the principle of six quadrant leads by Voll. The method allows diagnosing the 47 segments of the human body through the unique technical solutions (contact plates for the feet, the palmar electrodes and head electrode. Each segment carries information about a specific organ system and a part of the body, as well as the state of the segmental apparatus of the spinal cord and autonomic system. This technique allows you to get information about all organs and systems, their physiological condition and pathological changes in them, to choose the optimum scheme of therapy in record time. The reducing complex consists of general and selective programs of the bio-resonance passive correction (BRC) with the possibility of an automatic selection of programs. A wide range of BRC programs allows to create the most effective and the most comprehensive scheme of the restoration taking into account the individual characteristics of the client. This is one of the few effective ways to control the state of the body and prevent disease. . The device is intended for use in the health-care conditions of sanatoriums and counselling centers. It is used by specialists of the beauty salons, by massage therapists, etc. , as well as for independent use of the device by clients at home.

Opportunities of the express-test “Bris”

The device operation principle is aimed at correcting of the homeostasis of the human body. ; • a defining of the functional state of organs and systems related to biologically active points and zones (BAP, BAZ);; • a defining of the etiological factor (causes).; • an individual selection of medicines, biologically active additives, phyto-homeopathic and homotoxicological medicines, etc., the testing of allergens, food, cosmetics, and so on. e., without the introduction of the latter in the body (a phenomenon of long-range) • a prescription and a selection of modes of bio-resonance correction, a monitoring the effectiveness of sessions • a monitoring the effectiveness of medicines used for the treatment and prevention of diseases; • a diagnosis of the aura; a monitoring the dynamics of the client’s condition.

The method allows

  1. To gather information about the functional state of the body and its systems, presenting in visual form the time-dependent graphics functions, coefficients, and estimates in a very short time (about 5 min). 2. To determine the functional status of the organism as a whole and its parts (the main functional systems), which presents functional changes and abnormalities in the process of self-regulation. 3. The monitoring the effectiveness of any therapy. 4. The assessment of dynamic impacts of the measurements during and between therapy sessions. 5. The possibility of creating a database and statistical analysis. 6. Quick and convenient evaluation of the effects of the medicine, or any other object or item (jewelry, clothing, food, etc.).

Indications for use

The testing for prevention of chronic diseases: Diseases of the peripheral nervous system: radiculitis, plexitis, neuritis, neuralgia, polyneuritis, polyneuropathy, etc. 5 Neurological manifestations of spinal osteochondrosis: reflex muscular-tonic and neurodystrophic syndromes, compression radicular syndromes. Diseases of blood circulation organs: neurocirculatory dystonia, arterial Hypo-and hypertension. Diseases of the respiratory system: rhinitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchoconstriction, asthma. Diseases of ENT organs: sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etc.), laryngitis, adenoid vegetations, tonsillitis. Diseases of the digestive system: functional disorders of the esophagus, stomach, intestines, gall bladder, gastritis, duodenitis, ulcers disease stomach and duodenal ulcers, chronic colitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. Diseases of the genitourinary system: cystitis, algomenoree, adnexitis, prostatitis, benign tumors, etc.

 Contraindications for use

  • an individual electric current intolerance; • a patient has an implanted pacemaker; • pregnancy; • an acute disorder in cerebral and coronary circulation; • state of acute mental excitation.

The conducting of the segmental testing using the express-test “Bris”

The procedure of the segmental testing is painless and does not require complicated preparation procedures of a client. However, it is advisable to fulfill a number of requirements that will make the test more informative and reliable. It is used 3 pairs of electrodes: 2 frontal electrodes, 2 hand electrodes and 2 foot electrodes for segmental testing.

Requirements for a client

  1. It is necessary to have a good contact between the skin and the electrode, without increasing or reducing the pressure; if the surface of the skin is irritated ulcers, open wounds, etc.)., do not take measurements. 2. It is prohibited to use gels because it changes the electrolytic properties of the skin. 3. It is necessary to clean the electrodes with a cleaner, better yet to clean them with a soap or an antiseptic. 4. The forehead, hands and feet of the patient should be clean, remove excess sweat, makeup (preferably with clean water). 5. It is desirable for a client not to be hungry at the time of testing. The best time to survey is the first half of the day or 2 hours after taking food. It is not recommended to drink alcohol 2-3 days before the test. The 6 day before the examination, you cannot drink coffee, hot and spicy meals. Immediately before the examination, you cannot eat chocolate, citrus, bubble gum. Not to take medicines for the day before the survey if it is painless for the client. Those medicines, which are vital for a client and they are taken for a long time, do not substantially affect the diagnosis (excluding hormones). However, find out information before the express-test: what medicine is it, in what dosage is taken and at what time of day is taken by the client. It is necessary to avoid contact with chemically active substances (paints, solvents) before the session of the express-testing. It is advisable not to smoke the day before the session (if it doesn’t cause stress to the patient). Women are not advisable to be screened during the menstrual 6. The skin should be clean, healthy without any signs of inflammation and mechanical damage. Do not use therapeutic or cosmetic creams and ointments before the testing. It is necessary to dry wet skin with a napkin and to moisturize dry skin. 7. Clothes should be preferably from natural fabrics, before testing you must take off all jewelries and metal objects. Turn off your phone or remove it to a distance of 2 m. 8. The best time of the survey is the first half of the day when a client and an operator are in good condition. However, you should take into account the individual biorhythms of the patient. Re-examination is preferably carried out at the same time as the initial examination.

Preparations of an operator;

  1. The operator must be healthy. 2. The hands must be clean in the time of the session of the electropunctual test (EPT) and after the testing; they must be washed under running water. 3. The operator should not abuse cosmetics or perfumes, it is necessary to remove all metal objects and jewelry before the testing. 4. Clothing should be made from natural fabrics; it should not cause the electrostatic voltage. Turn off your phone or remove it to a distance of 2 m. 5. The operator should standardize the actions. 6. It is desirable for each operator to have own individual set of equipment for testing. 7. There should not be unknown persons in the room. (except for parents of children) Requirements for the room:

1- The temperature should be 21-22 gr. in the room. Humidity should be 60-80 % 7 2. There are should not be high voltage power lines and powerful radio and TV aerial near to the room. 3. There should not be any device for physical therapy and x-ray near to the room. 4. The area in which the operator works must not be less than 15-16m. 5. It is prohibited to use the household devices, which are the sources of electromagnetic radiation (ovens, ozone generators, ultraviolet emitters, fridges, TVs. 6. The mobile phones must be removed from the line. 7. The distance between the diagnostic equipment and system unit of computer should be at least 0.5 m, and the distance to patient and the monitor and the system unit 1-1,5 m. 8. The atmosphere in the office should be neutral, not annoying the autonomic nervous system. 9. The coating of the table and floor should not create static electricity. 10. Light sources, especially fluorescent lights should be removed from the equipment at a distance of 1.5 m and not to cause heating of the equipment.

 Important guidance:

The temperature of the electrodes should become equal with the temperature of the client, before starting the measurement. Therefore, the frontal electrodes must overlap at least three minutes before beginning measurements. For promoting accurate measurability, it is necessary to consider the time of activity of the meridians (the theory of U –Sin) and to perform the measurements at the same time. (If it is possible). It is desirable to perform the measurements in the morning. In the afternoon, the parasympathetic division of the nervous system begins to dominate, it leads to lower performance. However, at any time of the day, the segmental analysis objectively shows the functional state of the body at the time of the measurement.