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BIOMEDIS stands for Biological Medicinal Intellectual Scanners .Biomediscompanyis an international industrial science based company with direct sales in the field of technology products focused on health maintenance and recovery.Biomedis company has three CE certified devices: Trinity, BioWatch, BRIS ).

We have the biggest list of complexes for Biomedis Trinity (252 complexes) and BioWatch ( 40 profiles). We can upload your devices in any of 9 languages: English, Russian, Romanian, Lithuanian, Spanish, Italian, German, Greek, French. We can help you to create complexes for your individual needs. We have our own clinic . We have our own service centers in USA and Europe. We have great customer service. We have great packages deals and wholesale prices.

No, we support only our customers and devices which were bought from our website. Each device has serial number which we register in our books.
BIOMEDIS TRINITY is an advanced and effective compact device with Four Technologies in One!: Bio-Resonance Therapy (BRT), Structural Resonance Therapy, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), and Psychosomatic Pathology Correction Method. These methods are implemented in BIOMEDIS TRINITY through the newest unique technology of MFS and allows scientific research and methods to be used on a completely new quality level, achieving high results of efficiency of the device application.
BioWatch is a small wellness device for maintaining the health and normal functioning of all organs and body. BioWatch works according to the method of Multifrequency Bio-Resonance correction, which is the impact of low-intensity electromagnetic frequency that causes a resonant response in the body. BioWatch has one Bio-Resonance Technology (BRT).

BRIS ( Bio-Resonance Intellectual Scanner) which works only with your PC Computer. Attention: Only PC computers with Windows programs can be used with BRIS. It cannot be installed on any Apple devices or phones.

BRIS allows you to carry out the testing process in real time, to monitor the dynamics of your health, to visualize the obtained results, to view the “energy” of the human body, the condition of the spinal cord and internal organs, to observe changes in the recovery process, to observe how certain medicine or supplements affect your body. Bris also has Two types of therapies: Bio-resonance passive correction (BRC) with the possibility of an automatic selection of programs for body meridians and three types of Body Harmonization (energize, sedate, harmonize).

There are 5 main characteristics differences:

1-Biomedis Trinity has 4 technologies and 4 modes:

** Mode 1 is for bio resonance mono frequency (one antenna emits frequency) . It is more gentle and great to use when you are mobile . In mode-1you must carry device on your body. Always back side of the device toward the body.
** Mode 2 is for bio resonance multi frequency (Three antennas emit frequencies. Each antenna carries the frequencies into your body at the same time. It is more strong. In this case you put device distantly from your body with the back side towards you. .
** Mode 3 is for Basal Rhythms Correction technology.The Basal rhythms are initial, basic, deep rhythms of a human, developed in the course of evolution and return us to the state of health. In mode-3Device should be placed distantly towards the middle of your body.
** Mode 4 is for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Psychosomatic Correction technology. Device should be placed distantly towards your head.

BioWatch has only one technology monofrequency similar like Mode-1 in Biomedis Trinity device.

2- Biomedis Trinity can be programed with around 250 complexes and BioWatch can be programmed only with 3 complexes.

3- Biomedis Trinity has display where you can see all complexes and programs and BioWatch does not have a display.

4- Biomedis Trinity device has: Modes Settings: (Each mode for certain technology), Signal Strength (25%, 50%, 75%, 100%), Display Brightness (10-100%), Two Display Color Schemes(bright and dark), Two Sound and Vibration options (onn and off) , Nine Language Selections (English, Russian, German, Greek, French, Lithuanian, Italian, Romanian, Spanish). Attention! If you need your device to be programmed with certain language please let us know about it in the notes when you buy device.

BioWatch has one mechanical button to put device on and off and same button is used to selectcomplexes which are assigned to three LCD lights (red, green, blue).

We do not sale Trinity Pro device. It is a branded product of biomedis global website. Trinity Pro has many disadvantages: 1-Trinity Pro has only two technologies (not four like in Biomedis Trinity); 2-Trinity Pro can not be reprogramed or updated. Biomedis Trinity and BioWatch has computer software Biomedis M Air with the biggest library of frequencies, which you can add to your devices at any time for free!. 3-Trinity Pro is much more expensive. You pay more for less!

The impact on the body occurs through a network of blood vessels and delivered it through the Pulse, Biologically Active Points on the surface of the skin and Water Matrix..It is very important to drink an appropriate amount of purified water when using Biomedis Trinity. Frequencies penetrate your body better when it is well hydrated.

Drinking plenty of water is nessasarytu flush out toxins, so drink extra fluid before and after the sessions. Biomedis doctor’s recommendation is to drink at least 300 g per 10 kg body weight, or 50% of your body weight in lbs converted to ounces of water. {for example, a 160 lb person should consume at least 80 ounces of water a day.}

Yes, all age groups of people (adults, women, men, geriatric, infants, and children) can use any of Biomedis devices. BioWatch device is very small and best for infants and Pets.

Yes, all complexes can be use for Pets. Lets say your Pet has Diabetes, you can use Diabetes complex for your Pet just like for people. Biomedis devices Trinity and BioWatch also have complexes with specific animal diseases frequencies.
The device should be used at 50% signal strength for the first-time users, excluding small kids, pets or very ill person. For them Trinity device should be set at 25% strength. If this level of strength suits your personal sensitivity, continue use at this signal strength for the first two weeks; and then you.may increase signal strength to 75% and then to 100%, as your body develops a comfort level with the device.
Biomedis Trinity scans the body first and identifies the resonance absorption frequencies of the organism. Scanning technology lets the device adjust its frequencies in such way that the body absorbs them better. Our body’s frequencies constantly change their values; therefore, Biomedis Trinity constantly adapts to these changes and maintains an adequate frequency of influence. Due to this, the corrective frequencies penetrate the body without hindrance, and more efficiently. In Biomedis Trinity in modes 2,3 and 4 it is require scanning technique before therapy to create a unique individual carrying wave. After you have chosen your complex and clicked OK, immediately turn the device over with the back towards your body (for mode 2 and 3), or towards your head (for mode 4). Hold the device 20 – 40 cm (8 – 16 inches) from your body or head for 8 seconds, when you will hear the sound of the complex starting and feel the device quick vibration.

In Modes 1, 2, or 3; direct Trinity to the center of your body, or to the area of complaint.
In Mode 4 direct Trinity to your head. In Mode-1 place Trinity on your body, in modes-2,3,4 place Trinity distantly to your body. It is very important to place Trinity with its back side towards your body, because its antennas are located at the rear. The device can be placed on a table, bedside table, or suspended over you using a microphone stand with appropriate holder, or iPhone holders.

Devices Trinity should be used carefully and with Doctor recommendations:

By person with a cardiac pacemaker do not use in Mode-1 because devices is right on the body and can affect the pacemaker rhythms. Mode-2, 3, 4 are OK to use because they applied distantly from the body. Use 25% signal strength and monitor your body reaction. Discontinue to use if complications.
By women who are pregnant up to 12 weeks
By person who has a blood clot.

Not studied on people or animals after covid vaccines

Healing Response- Person feels bad, but then feels better. The response occurs over a short period of time. A general rule is one month of healing for every year the person has been ill. There is a retracing of prior symptoms, often from decades ago. Organs, glands, and the body in general function better. Disease Crisis- Person feels bad with no relief. There is a continuation of prior symptoms, often with the addition of new ones. There is wide-ranging degenerationof organs, glands, and body itself in general.

Most holistic therapies are compatible with Biomedisdevices.If you have any doubts about suitability, please sonsult a health care provider.

It all depends on what issue(s) you may be suffering with.

*** Complexes in Mode 4 are recommended to be used in series therapy for 10 to15 days, once a day.
*** Complexes for acute symptoms like headache, backache, flu, covid, diarrhea, cold sore, etc. should be used 2 to 3 times a day, until symptoms are gone.
*** Complexes for chronic conditions like arthritis, diabetes, psoriasis, etc., should be used for maintenance, and along with therapy you have to change your lifestyle.

Most researches suggest continuing the sessions even after the symptoms are gone- which incidentally is the same protocol used for taking antibiotics-after which you gradually decrease the number and duration of sessions. This protocol will handle any residual pathogens while your body is busy repairing and re-balancing itself. Use your judgment and experiment: each person is different. In case of stubborn conditions like Lyme disease or socalled terminal cases like cancer or leukemia, most researches suggest continuing for 4 months to one yearafter all symptoms have disappeared.

Not recommended! Alcohol and non-creational drugs interfere with detoxification process and body may suffer.

Many of the frequencies correspond to the Mortal Oscillatory Rate of microbes. If you are harboring a pathogenic microorganisms , that microbes in other people will become destabilized, disable or killed. If you are not harboring any microbes , then being near the device will simly have no effect.

There are two possibilities. One, the microbes may have developed a resistance to the frequencies and changed their rate of oscillation. Thus, the frequencies that used to work no longer match the current Mortal Oscillatory Rate of the microbes in your system. In this case, you need to run different frequencies. This situation illustrates the importance of persisting therapy for chronic conditions for a long periods. Two, Biomedis devices did such a good job reducing microbial load, your body no longer senses such an urgent need to eliminate the pathogens.

Yes, you can. We have three complexes in Travel profile: Flight, Jet Log, Motion Sickness. When you go through screening control at the airport turn device off or pause the complex just in case to avoid any questions.

Yes, we ship to all countries. Logistics fee depends on the country you live.

Yes, one family can share the device and use individually . (one person using the device at a time)

Yes! You can delete complexes you don’t need and add other complexes. You can create your own complexes. It is done through the computer software Biomedis M Air, which you can download to your PC or Apple computer from our website. Besides that, we recommend you to get device Bris and create a personalized complexes for your individual needs, if your condition warrants extra care.

It doesn’t have to be updated in order to work properly. Sometimes company make changes like profile translation to another language and then if you want that feature you can update your device. We can help you with this if you are our customer.

We offer discounts for bulk orders.

The Trinity device is very simple to use, straight out the box. We have all written and video info on our website. We also send emails to our customers with all info you need. If viewing all materials you still have a questions , please contact us, and we will happy to help you.

Please note: we work only with our customers.

Magnets are used in two cases: 1- To update device 2- to reset device if needed when it is frozen.