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NEOGEN – is a developmentin the field of health improvementbased on the principles of endogenousbio-resonance correctionof the body with biological feedback.

There are two unique methodsof electromagnetic and audible feedbackimplemented in NEOGEN device.


  1. Constantly supports physiological homeostasis and immunity.
  2. Gives ´power up´ to the body – external energy and physiological reserves.
  3. Provides regeneration – restoration of cells integrity and launches the rejuvenation processes.
  4. Alleviates the course of any disease and speeds the recovery process.
  5. Restores functions of all systems and organs.
  6. Restores higher nervous function, memory, thinking processes, emotional and psychological state.



Mode -1 : Electromagnetic feedback – E.M. feedback

NEOGEN emits ultra-spread-spectrum electromagnetic signal to the body. The signal passes layer by layer and is reflected from all systems and organs – skin, muscles, bones, spinal fluid, internal organs, brain cortex. The reflected signal is received by special receiver and gets demodulated. This way, the device ´hears´ all the physiological processes in the body – how erythrocytes are moving along the blood channels, how heart is beating, the blood is flowing, it hears your breathing, work of neurons, all that is happening inside of your body. The demodulated processed signal gets enhanced and comes back to the body. The chain of biological feedback is closed. There turn on the mechanisms of chemo toxins  and normalize the biochemical processes of cell´s work. There develop the physiological and biochemical reactions, opposite to those that occur during stress.

Mode-2: Voice audible feedback

Voice is closely related to the physiological and emotional state of a human. The same way as eyes are the mirror of the soul, the voice is a reflection of health. Everything is related in the body, the voice parameters depend on nervous system state, which organized  the work of all organs in an entire process that is the most complex psycho physical action.
NEOGEN reads the voice parameters at the moment or pronunciation by a person and sends the signal back in form of modulated spread-spectrum electromagnetic signal. It leads to stochastic resonance in the body. As a result, there change the values of central and vegetative nervous system. The changes of brain encephalogram are fixed.
There should be put positive intentions into the pronounced text – prayer, affirmation, wish yourself health, happiness. Application of NEOGEN in the mode of voice audible feedback should be limited at the moment of bright negative emotions such as anger, irritation, severe fright. The ultimate aim of the symbiosis of the device and a human is obtaining such a state which would reflect the intention put into the pronounced sound. With a correct application of NEOGEN in the mode of voice audible feedback there improve physiological and emotional states of a human.

 Reports on NEOGEN Device from Biomedis Company

 Trials in Reducing Oxidative Stress


Environmental pollutants such as heavy metals, particulate matter, xenobiotics, pesticides, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, or electromagnetic and geopathic interference fields are well-documented sources or inducers of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the body’s ability to detoxify these harmful intermediates or repair the resulting damage. This imbalance can cause damage to cells and tissues, contributing to the development of various diseases and health problems.

Research Question

Three different types of cells from connective tissue, intestine, and liver were used to investigate whether the NEOGEN device reduces the amount of ROS present in the culture medium, i.e., in the immediate environment of the cells. The bioassay used here is an animal-free test that is accepted in traditional medicine and international scientific research as one of the main approaches to healthcare.


According to the manufacturer, the NEOGEN device generates modulated electromagnetic signals to “correct natural radiation, enhance, and synchronize the functions of the body and (biological) systems.” The NEOGEN device was used only in electromagnetic feedback mode (= Mode 1; EMF F.B.).

Trials in Cell Culture

For this study, the following types of cells were used: (1) intestinal epithelial cells (cell line IPEC-J2); (2) connective tissue fibroblasts (cell line L-929); (3) liver cells (cell line Hep G2). All three cell lines were obtained from the Leibniz Institute, DSMZ, Braunschweig, Germany. Cells were typically cultured in either RPMI 1640 medium or DMEM/Ham F12 medium containing 10% growth mixture and 0.5% gentamicin. The cells were cultured as bulk cultures in an incubator at 37°C in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 and 95% air with approximately 100% humidity.

Experimental Design

Cells were seeded at two cell densities (100,000 cells/well and 50,000 cells/well) in 96-well plates and allowed to adhere and spread for 24 hours. Fresh culture medium containing various concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (= ROS) ranging from 0 (= control) to 3 mM was then added. After 24 hours of ROS exposure, a reaction mixture with fresh culture medium and a water-soluble tetrazolium dye (XTT reagent; Xenometrix, Switzerland) was added to the wells. Changes in the optical density of the dye in the reaction mixture due to cell viability were measured by measuring the difference ∆OD at 450 and 690 nm at specific time points using an Elisareader device (BioTek ELx 808 with Gen 5/3.00 software) and calculated using Microsoft Excel. In all tests, the device was continuously placed on multi-well culture dishes for 24 hours (Figure 1) with 4-6 parallel wells per test and cell type and 4 independent tests (n = 4) with different cell densities.


We observed a concentration-dependent decrease in cell viability caused by the presence of hydrogen peroxide in the culture medium. However, the sensitivity of the three types of cells used varied. Liver cells were the most sensitive cell type, while intestinal cells were the least sensitive. Connective tissue fibroblasts were intermediate between the two. The use of the NEOGEN device resulted in a protective effect for all cell types and cell densities.


The potential of the NEOGEN device to protect against oxidative stress caused by environmental pollutants was demonstrated in this biological cell study. Although different cell types have different baseline sensitivities to reactive oxygen species, the NEOGEN device is capable of reducing undesirable cellular effects by increasing cell viability after oxidative stress exposure.


According to the study results, the NEOGEN device may potentially be useful in several situations related to managing inflammatory processes and oxidative stress. Here are a few examples of situations where the device may be beneficial:

Chronic inflammatory diseases: The device may help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, which is useful for treating or managing chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, asthma, or inflammatory bowel disease.

Postoperative recovery: Reducing inflammation may promote faster and less painful recovery after surgical interventions.

Pain management: Since reducing inflammation levels can lead to pain reduction, the device can be used for managing chronic pain, such as in osteoarthritis or other painful conditions.

Secondary wound healing: The device may help reduce oxidative stress at the site of inflammation, which can improve the wound healing process.

Sports rehabilitation: For athletes experiencing inflammation and pain after intense training, using such a device may help accelerate recovery and reduce the likelihood of injury.