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Hands eczema. Review on TRINITY device. Olga, USA.

Biomedis отзыв 30, Phil Collazo США

Review on BIOMEDIS TRINITY. Sherinata Pollock, USA.

Biomedis отзыв 36, Sherinata Pollok США

Experience with Trinity in English


Severe allergy. Review on BIOMEDIS TRINITY device. Nelly, USA.

Feedback on the BIOMEDIS TRINITY device. Gnetneva Elena, Moscow.

Biomedis отзыв 31, Phil Collazo США

BIOMEDIS TRINITY review by Malcolm Griffin, Ireland. Knee injury.

Hepatitis B with liver cirrhosis. Feedback on devices BIOMEDIS. Dmitry

Biomedis отзыв 46, Mariury Hidalgo США

Written Testimonials

My experience with the Biomedis Trinity is for the digestive system. I was having trouble digesting my evening meal with resulting heartburn. I used the "Digestive system restoration" on the Trinity. That helped me with digestion and eliminated my discomfort
Don T.
Last week I gave a Trinity to my daughter. I asked her about it and these are her comments. “ I have been using Trinity for the Acne and Anti-Aging complexes – they are amazing! My skin is looking way better. I had results the first time I ran it!
Paul D.
I had a sore throat coming back from work and I used Oreon for anti-viral program and anti-bacterial programs and the next day I was back to work with no pain
David T
I've been using an Oreon device for my digestion system. I had hepatitis in the beginning of the year and I was given antibiotics for over 3 months
Marilyn K
I wanted to let you know that my husband and I are loving our Trinity! We are seeing some amazing results....even on our dog! I think that's the most convincing part, especially when telling others about it. As I'm sure you are well aware, there is such a thing as a "placebo effect" While this is definitely possible with humans, you cannot fool a dog. They don't know any better. My German Shepherd, Sasha, had surgery on her knee just under a year ago. She still suffers with inflammation after a long walk or hard play. Shortly after receiving the Trinity, I noticed she was favoring her leg and she just seemed uncomfortable. Flopping down on the floor, not using her legs to slowly lay down and difficulty getting up. Her eyes were distraught. I gave her some Glucosamine and selected Pet Wellness on my Trinity. I looped it around her collar. She seemed a bit apprehensive, but I got her to be still, and we went to bed. The next morning, she was bright eyed and bushy tailed. Pun intended! She was no longer favoring her leg and was in much better spirits. NOW THAT'S AMAZING! I have used the Trinity on her since the first initial session, but she actually seems to know that it helps her feel better. Putting it on her now is no big deal
Ava G.
Thank you for all the work you put in loading the devices with 6+ hours of frequency complexes. That was greatly appreciated.Before getting the Bio-Watch devices, the vet claimed that x-rays showed my cat JoyJoy’s leg / bone wasn’t healing as fast as it should. Also, visually, I could see that her surgical incision was taking longer to close up also. Once I started using the devices on her leg, her surgical incision closed up and finished healing within about 36 hours. I could also tell that JoyJoy was in a lot better mood …. I guess the device helped relieve the pain. Second Letter: It’s been almost two full weeks since I’ve kept an Bio-Watch device on her and she’s now out of the cast/brace and walking around (with a limp). I still feel that it’s probably too soon for her to be out of the cast/brace but I’ve decided to no longer fight her on that…. She always seemed to find a way to get her cast / brace off anyway so I stopped fighting that battle. I just keep the brace on her leg through a bandage-wrap and she’ll usually keep it on the whole time. Once the battery runs out, I’ll let her leg breathe a while and then put it back on again after a few hours. Third Letter: I forgot to mention….. Another great benefit that the devices have had on JoyJoy is that she’s no longer dealing with feline yeast infection. She has always had chronic bacterial yeast infection express itself through her ears …. The inside of her ears would get caked over and need regular cleanings and have drops put in... since using the Bio-Watch, her ears are squeaky clean… no more bacterial yeast infection
Shawn M.
I never heard about bioresonance devices before until my friend introduced me to the amazing frequencies devices. I bought one in July this year and started using it for viruses and fungi which breed while I took antibiotics .. After using the antifungal programs my papilloma which I had on my neck fell off!!! I couldn't wear a chain on my neck because it was rubbing against and irritating my neck. I can't believe the results. Thank you guys for your work!!
Kariba P
I used trinities for my teeth problem. I had an infection and bad pain all over my jaw.. I made an appointment with the dentist the next day but tried a device for the dentist program which took pain away within 15 min. I can't believe how effective it was. When I went to the dentist she confirmed I had a pocket in my gum about the last tooth on top and it was getting infected . So the device killed bacteria and the dentist gave me a gum brush with antibiotics which I didn't have to take in because once I used the brush and device the problem was gone!!!
-Marina M
I had inflamed lymph nodes in my neck for quite a while. I used lymphatic drainage and anti-inflammatory programs. And within a couple of weeks the lymph nodes were clear. And my neck is soft again
Andre W
I had lipoma on my right foot for about 9 months and my son was offering money to pay for an operation to take it out because it was getting pressed by my shoe and very uncomfortable and painful when pressed on. I used an Oreon device for lymphatic drainage and anti-parasite programs and within a month it just disappeared like nothing was there before
Marina C